
AI Text Detector

Our tool quickly detects AI-generated texts. Add your text below to check if it has been generated by artificial intelligence.

AI Content Detector

Delete the text

Detection result

Probability that the text is from an AI0%
Generated by AI0%
Generated and refined by AI0%
Written by a human and refined by AI0%
Written by a human0%

How does it work?


Add your text

Copy and paste your text into the tool so that it can be analyzed.

Text analysis:

We analyze the text in search of typical structures of texts generated by an AI.

Probability assessment:

The tool gives you an estimate of the probability that the text was generated by an AI.

AI Detector

Check if your text has been generated by artificial intelligence
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Experience in AI

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High detection precision

Designed with precision, our tool effectively identifies AI-generated content.

Guaranteed confidentiality

The texts submitted in the tool remain confidential. No data is recorded or transmitted.

Advanced Technology

home.block4.right.subtitle0Our detector uses cutting-edge algorithms to analyze text and identify the characteristics of AI-generated content. It provides a fast and reliable analysis to identify texts produced by artificial intelligences.
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What is an AI-generated content detector?

This is a tool that analyzes a text to determine whether it was created by an artificial intelligence model. The AI-generated content detector can differentiate between a text written by ChatGPT, for example, and one authored by a human. iA Detector is a highly accurate service that offers rapid and effective analysis to identify the source of your text.

How does iA Detector work?

The process is simple: you submit a text, and the tool analyzes each part to detect if it comes from an AI text generator. The percentage you receive indicates the proportion of the text that appears to have been generated by an AI, along with indicators for the potentially affected sections.

What is the accuracy of the detector?

iA Detector uses advanced algorithms to provide you with an accuracy rate of over 99%. However, the accuracy may vary depending on the language of the text and its length. In fact, texts in English currently yield the best results, while other languages, such as French, continue to be optimized.

What languages are supported by iA Detector?

iA Detector supports several languages, including English, French, and Spanish for the time being, but this will evolve in the future. We strive to make regular improvements to our model to ensure reliable detection in all available languages.

Can it detect mixed texts, that is, partially written by AI and by a human?

Yes, iA Detector is capable of analyzing texts that are partially written by artificial intelligence and by a human. Our tool identifies these mixtures and helps you visualize the portions that appear to have been generated or modified by an AI.

Are there any limitations to detection?

Although iA Detector is an accurate model, it may encounter detection difficulties, particularly with very short texts or creative works, such as poems and song lyrics. Additionally, it may occasionally generate false positives, but this remains rare. We recommend analyzing texts of at least 300 words to achieve optimal results.

How to use the results?

iA Detector provides you with the results of a detailed analysis of a potentially AI-generated text. You can use this information to inform your decisions in an academic, professional, or personal context.